My Practical Worksheet for CBT

This worksheet is for those who want to try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with their student but have found it a bit difficult concept for them to grasp. I came up with this worksheet at the beginning of my therapy journey and have found it to be very useful!

Goal: To reduce symptoms, improve positive thinking, build self-esteem

Literacy Level: I use this with older children usually 10+ years.

Materials: Worksheet which you can download below, pencil/pen

HOW TO: The worksheet gives a brief spiel on how to explain the CBT triangle of thoughts, feelings and actions. I find it very helpful to give an initial example. For me I use the example of FIRST THOUGHT: I’m going to do bad on my test. FIRST FEELING: Nervous, anxious, worried. FIRST ACTION: Heart pounding, not sleeping. Then if I decide to change the thought first it could become DIFFERENT THOUGHT: I can try my best on the test. DIFFERENT FEELING: Less anxious DIFFERENT ACTION: Calmer body, better quality sleep

Published by helpfulhealer

Empathic, compassionate, bicultural social worker who believes everyone’s story matters. Hi there, Helpful Healer here! I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with my PPS specializing in school and community-based mental health services. My passions include hearing individual stories of resilience, advocating for social justice, fostering cultural humility in the workplace and being a safe place for someone who has had a hard day. This blog was inspired from having gathered interventions over the years as a mental health therapist and wanting a place to share with the wonderful mental health community. Here you will find tools that I have been taught by amazing supervisors and colleagues and some others I have put my own creative spin on tailoring to the needs of my clients. Having been in fast-paced work environments for the duration of my social work career, I have always gravitated towards simple, play and art-based interventions that are easy to learn and facilitate. My hope is that my blog helps you feel a bit more confident and inspired to continue the good work you already do! Follow my blog for a walkthrough of helpful interventions along with my TikTok and Instagram for video tutorials on how they can be implemented!

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