Honoring Native American Heritage Month

Nov. 1st marked the start of Native American History Month. This is a massively important month that honors the achievements, history, culture, and contributions of Native Americans.  Just like every occasion that marks, highlights, and honors the amazing humanity of ourselves and the humans that walk into our office, it’s an opportunity to celebrate!  NotContinue reading “Honoring Native American Heritage Month”

Tips for a Smoother Morning School Routine

It’s about that time of year where the excitement to start school may have started to wear off for some our kiddos. You’re having to use more effort in the mornings to get them out of bed and out the door right before the school bell rings. Mornings feel incredibly hectic and every day feelsContinue reading “Tips for a Smoother Morning School Routine”

Let’s Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival!

It’s that time of year! Mid-Autumn Festival is today, September 29th. I love the traditions that surround this holiday so I wanted to make sure I hopped on here to share some of them with you all. Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Lunar Calendar which isContinue reading “Let’s Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival!”

Celebrating Latine & Hispanic Heritage Month

The theme for 2023’s Latine & Hispanic Heritage Month is “Todos Somos, Somos Uno: We Are All, We Are One. My first job as a social worker fresh out of grad school was working as a school based therapist in predominantly Spanish-speaking schools. It is still my favorite job that I have ever had toContinue reading “Celebrating Latine & Hispanic Heritage Month”

Family Therapy Activities with Siblings

One of my most requested asks of parents is “Can you help them get along better with their brother/sister?” I absolutely love doing family therapy. There is something about working with systems and relationships that truly lights me up. Here are a few of my go-to family therapy activities with siblings. DISCLAIMER: Most of theseContinue reading “Family Therapy Activities with Siblings”

How to Respond When Kids See Us Fight

It can be the biggest parent guilt when kids witness an argument/conflict we may be having with our partner. Contrary to what you may believe, it is not necessarily bad for our kids to witness disagreements we may have. They can be teachable moments showing parents are learning how to manage our emotions, too, andContinue reading “How to Respond When Kids See Us Fight”

Visual Schedules for Morning & Bedtime Routines

I have recently been working with a few parents and caregivers on how to manage the chaos that ensues in the morning trying to get their child ready for school. I do not remember exactly where I heard this from but an old adage I have carried with me is a calm morning starts theContinue reading “Visual Schedules for Morning & Bedtime Routines”

Giving Choices is not Giving In

*DISCLAIMER: Giving choices technique may be too overwhelming for children who are neurodivergent; as a caretaker/parent/teacher/counselor please use your best judgment when utilizing this tool. If you notice the child is becoming more dysregulated when provided choices, focus more on grounding them first through a soothing voice, gentle touch (back rubs, hugs), or addressing theirContinue reading “Giving Choices is not Giving In”

Eight Ways Adults Can Help Kids With ADHD

You just found out your child, student, nephew, etc got diagnosed with ADHD and you’re wondering, “Where do we go from here?” I have compiled a list of starting points to best support your child during this journey. This is definitely not a comprehensive list as there are different presentations of ADHD and each childContinue reading “Eight Ways Adults Can Help Kids With ADHD”

Family Activity: Back to Back Drawing

Building communication – sounds so much easier said than done! How many of us can relate to being witness of situations when things got heated and tense through misunderstandings and poor communication?! This is one of my favorite activities to build communication with families – it’s fun & engaging while also highlighting family strengths andContinue reading “Family Activity: Back to Back Drawing”

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