Summer Bucket List Activity for Kids

Although summertime is all about relaxation and a homework-free life, it is helpful to assist kids in creating a list of goals to make the most of this season. Before we know it summer comes and goes and we wonder what did we do with all that time? I find this worksheet to help jogContinue reading “Summer Bucket List Activity for Kids”

Visual Schedules for Morning & Bedtime Routines

I have recently been working with a few parents and caregivers on how to manage the chaos that ensues in the morning trying to get their child ready for school. I do not remember exactly where I heard this from but an old adage I have carried with me is a calm morning starts theContinue reading “Visual Schedules for Morning & Bedtime Routines”

My Helping Hand : Coping Skills Visual

Do you find your child has trouble remembering the skills/strategies they are learning? The helping hand visual has been very effective for kids I have worked with. We put it in a place they often look at such as inside their desk, on the wall of the bedroom or on the fridge in the kitchen.Continue reading “My Helping Hand : Coping Skills Visual”

Calm Down Charts (Spanish & English)

We all need a visual reminder sometimes to implement the tools we know/have learned to bring us back down to a space of calm. I don’t know about you but when my students were escalated I often would ask myself “Why aren’t they listening to me? If they would only follow what I’m saying theyContinue reading “Calm Down Charts (Spanish & English)”

Coping Tools Handout for Spanish-Speaking Families

This is a tool I created to provide for Spanish-speaking guardians/caretakers to help continue supporting their little one’s mental health in the home. On top of having to be in charge of drop off/pick up, meal planning, becoming a tutor during the pandemic and SO MUCH MORE, our parents/guardians/caretakers always go the extra mile wantingContinue reading “Coping Tools Handout for Spanish-Speaking Families”

Your Safe Place

It is powerful and healing to visualize a space in our minds that reminds us of peace, safety and calm. One of my favorite things to learn about my clients is where they truly feel they can be themselves – safe and at ease without having to worry or be on edge about something. TeachingContinue reading “Your Safe Place”

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