Grounding Techniques for Trauma

When we are experiencing symptoms of trauma which could include an out of body feeling, intrusive memories/thoughts, startle response, anxiety, irritability, our bodies think we are experiencing the trauma all over again. Grounding techniques are reminders telling ourselves we are no longer in danger. Here are a few I teach my clients and also useContinue reading “Grounding Techniques for Trauma”

Identifying Trauma Triggers Worksheet

This worksheet specifically helps those of all ages identify and rank the severity of their trauma triggers. It does not have to only trauma related, it can also be triggers that make them feel anxious in general as well. I tend to use it during my trauma therapy and wanted to share it with youContinue reading “Identifying Trauma Triggers Worksheet”

Providing a Safe Space during Trauma Therapy

*DISCLAIMER: Please do not engage in trauma therapy if you have not received training or supervision to do so. These are a few helpful tips for those who are ready to practice trauma therapy or have done so already. The most importance thing is helping our clients feel safe in the therapeutic space with us.Continue reading “Providing a Safe Space during Trauma Therapy”

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