Affirmation Catcher

Play is the language of children. Kids, and most adults, often do not respond well to “Well, just do it” when they are trying to incorporate a new skill or change something in their life. I love this craft activity because it not only builds positive self-talk for kids but teaches them how to buildContinue reading “Affirmation Catcher”

Toy Story Feelings Game (Spanish & English)

“Can we pleeeease play a game now?” With the switch to telehealth I have had to get creative in how I build emotional literacy with the children I work with! Here is a fun one using Toy Story characters that is always a hit!

Rainbow Breathing

Here is a fun deep breathing technique that also gets the body moving for a calm body experience. Developmental age: 3+ Goal/Objectives: learn relaxation/coping tools, help return to baseline functioning, reduce symptomatology Materials Needed: Paper, markers/crayons/colored pencils/pastels, Rainbow Breath template can be printed out if needed How To: Similar to previous post, share how atContinue reading “Rainbow Breathing”

Your Safe Place

It is powerful and healing to visualize a space in our minds that reminds us of peace, safety and calm. One of my favorite things to learn about my clients is where they truly feel they can be themselves – safe and at ease without having to worry or be on edge about something. TeachingContinue reading “Your Safe Place”

Mindful Walk

I don’t know about you but I have been taking an awful lot of walks recently during this pandemic. Here is a simple way to incorporate some mindfulness into every day walks with your child. Developmental Level: 3+ Goal/Objectives: Build relaxation skills, increase frustration tolerance, self-regulate emotional dysregulation Materials Needed: You can bring print theContinue reading “Mindful Walk”

Affirmation Stones

This past year has been overwhelming, stressful, uncertain and daunting for many and especially our little ones. I have been using this intervention personally when I feel I have been at the end of my rope needing a reminder of hope for now and the future. Literacy Level: 6+ Goal/Objectives: Improve self-esteem, build coping skills,Continue reading “Affirmation Stones”

What’s In My Heart?

We often wish we could know EVERYTHING that is going on inside of our special human’s heart; this tool helps you get a glimpse into the big feelings they experience! Literacy Level: 4+ Goal/Objectives: Build emotional literacy, identify triggers for emotions, practice appropriate alternatives to expressing emotions Materials Needed: Crayons, color pencils, pastels, markers, WorksheetContinue reading “What’s In My Heart?”

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